Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Long-Delayed Start

I should have done this a long time ago.
A diary only works when it is written in every day. It can't be filled in later with hazy details, betraying immediate emotions with the added thougt and reflection of time. A diary, or jounal, could be the most enlightening thing one could ever read if it was done correctly. The ability to trace a person's thoughts, over weeks, months, and years would allow a reader to see how a person thinks, feel another's emotions, and ultimately prove that people can change. I feel it's time for me to start mine.
My name is Christopher Flood. I am a resident of New York City. I turned seventeen a week ago today. I like some stuff. I dislike other stuff. My goal in life is to save the world. There are some things I do, and some things I don't. If I was dying and could only tell the world one thing, it would be, "Try to Help." That about sums me up for now. We are still strangers, me and all those readers that have yet to be. I can say that my trust is given until lost, so possible readers should rest assured they'll get to know me.
I started this blog today, after 2 in the morning, because I was having a conversation with a very dear friend of mine when she sent me a link to her blog.
Check out Salina's blog
Okay, so like I was typing, I was chatting with my friend Salina who's in kind of a rut. It made me think back on my own thoughts when I was in a bad place during sophomore year. I wish I would've started a journal when I was five.
When I think back on how I've grown, the mysterious nature of memory condenses all time and thought into a near-singularity. This allows me to examine myself as I have been recently, but it doesn't answer the question of "how." The mysteries of emotional, mental and spiritual growth remain elusive. It would be pathetically human of me to say that I wish to understand everything, but I can't prove to anyone that I'm not a pathetic human anyway. I know enough to know that knowing everything is most likely an unknown impossibility. Now I just need to prove this acquired wisdom to myself and everyone else.
Finally, we come to my mission statement. Not much is definite, so not much can be counted on. But there are odds. Chances. I can be definite of who I am at the end of my life. The best I can do is try to be sure of the universe around me, to learn the odds. This blog will be the record of my attempt to learn just what the odds are of good surviving in this world, of starting a nice family, of Led Zeppelin officially reuniting, of staying friends with my neighborhood pals, and how much I can change the odds.
Life hasn't been easy. Life won't be easy.
But life goes on. I choose to follow suit.

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